new plan to block Zoom bombers, 对付Zoom捣乱者的试行办法

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new plan to block Zoom bombers, 对付Zoom捣乱者的试行办法

Post by 88922493 »

Please read though, It's really important for our meeting, tomorrow will be our 100th meeting, hurra! and it's time to make some changes, as you guys already know we've been facing Zoom bomber troubles ever since our very first meetings, and they have only become more serious since then, perturbing our participants, scaring them away, making the whole meeting unstable. so we had made some arrangements short-term and long-term to make sure that zoom bombers will be beaten forever, for our recent couple of meetings we will be having our co-hosts and hosts turning on Focus mode so that Zoom bombers cannot show their videos in the main session, and we will also be sending out the zoom passwords later in the weekend to everyone personally on meetup, so that it will be harder for potential bombers' crawlers to get the code, the idea is to make bombing our meetings so much harder that bombers will give up.

Dealing with the problem in the long term will take work, but we are ready for it, we will be deploying "The Forum authentication method" : participants who want to join our meetings(later we will extend meeting to week day and Chinese-Spanish, Chinese-French community) can login to our Forum and check in several times per week, ask or answer questions, or upload some language related stuff, gaining points in the process, and if a participant gains enough points, he will be allowed to enter the meeting. Before the meeting, participants with enough points can send to the host his name via forum's private message for the meeting like this "Chi-C2-Jerry- Eng-2894"(it's just our normal format with a random four-digit code at the end which you make up yourself, the random number should be different every time) and when entering the meeting with the same name, host will check the PM of forum, participants will be allowed in after verification.
so please register and login to our forum( and try to post valuable topics and ask/answer questions as we will have much use for. This is just the current plan that we have thought up. I do think that there must be better courses of action that we can take. if you guys have ideas to improve on our plan or take a completely different approach, as long as the objective is to keep them bombers out and make our meetings better, you can always send suggestions in the group or DM me and Tom.

Jerry Deng


请完整阅读,这对我们的组很重要,明天是我们的第 100 次会议,耶! 但是时候做出改变了,自从我们第一次会议以来,就一直面临着 Zoom Bomber的问题,而且越来越严重,他们扰乱了我们的会议,吓跑了与会者。 所以我们想出了一些短期和长期的应对方法,以确保 Zoom bomber不再会扰乱会议。在我们最近的几次会议中,我们将让co-host and host 打开 Focus 模式,这样 Zoom bomber就无法在主会议室上显示他们的视频,我们还将在周末晚点儿发送Zoom密码,这样让网上的Zoom bomber更难用爬虫获得密码。宗旨是给Zoom bomber们增加难度,以至于他们不得不放弃。

从长远来看,处理这个问题需要我们共同努力,我们将使用 “论坛认证方法”(图片步骤见上):希望加入我们会议的参与者(以后我们也会在周内组织活动,并增加中-西 , 中法组),可以每周登录我们的论坛几次,提问或回答问题,或者上传一些语言相关的资料,在这个过程中获得积分。如果参与者获得足够的积分,会议前,有足够积分的参会者可以通过论坛私信将他的名字发送给主持人,例如“Chi-C2-Jerry-Eng-2894”(以往的格式尾部加上自定义的4位随机数字代码。随机码应该每周不同!),主持人核查waiting room里的参加者名字,匹配论坛私信标题名,查看他帖子的积分值,如相符,即可放行。

请注册并登录我们的论坛( ,提出/回答语言相关的问题,或者上传有价值的资料。这样以后就可以继续参与我们的会议了。 这是暂行方案,但我认为我们可以想到更好的方案。 如果大家有办法改进我们的计划或采取完全不同的方法,只要目标是阻止zoom bomber入侵并使我们的会议变得更好,可以随时在小组中发送建议或私信我和Tom。


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